Template-based logo design
Logo design can be very expensive but using template logos adpated to your company's colour scheme and modified to include your business name and strapline is considerably cheaper. We have a range of over 500 logo templates for you to peruse online and select one or more for us to work up before picking your final design. The final design will be created in high resolution and will be provided in a range of standard image formats such as jpeg, png, bmp, psd, wmf or tiff.
From as little as £39 + VAT (if you pick just one template design) you can have a professional, high-resolution design graphic in just a few hours. If you want more choices, pick a number of templates before making your final decision. The greater the number of potential designs you pick, the higher the fee and the longer the time it will take to deliver the proofs.
Images will be designed usings industry standard tools and can be delivered as solid or transparent, flat or layered and in a range of industry standard file formats. The standard output will be around 3 mega-pixels. Typeface can be from our library of more than 1000 fonts or you can choose a font from the large and growing Google Apis Font Library. If required we can provide graphics in a range of colors and in black & white.
The current range of logo templates is shown below. Simply tick the box below the templates you like and later yiou can view only these in a summary page.